Christmas at your holiday home
Written by Nick Grant
Published on 22nd December 2017
Last Updated on 27th February 2024
Read time: 2 minutes

Spending Christmas at your Holiday Home
Christmas is on the way! The countdown is now well and truly upon us, and the same as every year there really is no escape. So best to knuckle down and prepare for festive feasting, merry munching, trimmings, tidings, lights, Santa, Uncle John and sherry. Oh, and the hilarious and ridiculous Christmas jumper! It comes but once a year, to turkey’s undeniable relief, and with a bit of luck we’ll make it through without too many missteps, mistletoe mishaps or mistakes. And by then we’ll know who’s won strictly as well. So it can’t really be like last year, can it?
A growing trend for those seeking a novel noel is to get away for Christmas. Leave the home behind and head for a snowy winter wonderland with sleighs and bells galore, or head a little further to really heat things up with some sultry winter sun. Figures from the Association of British Travel Agents show that winter holiday bookings were up 16% year on year in 2016, with three in ten people (29%) having planned to take a winter break. The most popular winter holiday was people seeking a bit of winter sun.
So if you’re a holiday home owner you might be thinking about getting away yourself this Christmas, or, you might be thinking of letting your holiday home out to others. Christmas can be a great time for money changing hands and this could be the time to get your holiday home working for you. People might decide to go away for Christmas for all sorts of different reasons. Some people might want a romantic break for two, for others it might be a chance to take the kids away and keep them entertained, and for others still it could be a nice big place for all the family to meet up. Even traditional summer places can still be popular if they’re sung and warm inside as people wrap up well for a walk along the beach in Cornwall or Norfolk. If it’s just a thought for this year, don’t worry, it’ll roll round surely again.
Whether you’re home or away this Christmas, we wish you the very best and hope that you have a happy and wonderful time.
If you need to get a quote for holiday home insurance why not give Intasure a call, or send us an email and let us give you a call! We’re always here to help!
Call 0345 111 0680 or request a call back.
*The opinions and views expressed in the above articles are those of the author only and are for guidance purposes only. The authors disclaim any liability for reliance upon those opinions and would encourage readers to rely upon more than one source before making a decision based on the information.
Nick Grant is a Business Development Manager at Intasure with 10 years of insurance experience.